
Elliot believes teachers may actually care, but the science teacher seems to think otherwise.

Cast Appearing[]



First Mention or Appearance Of[]


  • Greyscale


  • Landscape
  • Two rows: two panels in row 1, two panels in row 2 (total: four panels)


Elliot and Tedd walk past a poster of an owl with the text "R[EAD] OR THE O[WL] WILL E[AT] YO[U]"
Tedd Wow... It's hard to believe it, but you got the entire faculty backing up your story.
Elliot Yeah, I know. It's funny... We as students always seem to think that the teachers are out to get us, but every once in a while they really pull through for us.
Elliot and Tedd have entered a classroom where the science teacher is behind a desk. Behind the teacher there is a blackboard with the words "Generic Science LESSON PLAN - Types of Rocks (obscured by Elliot's head) Classfication
Elliot Maybe teachers really do care about us! Maybe the job of being a teacher means more to them than a salary, and they really do care about our educations and the future of our economy!
Science Teacher Hello, "Ellen"... *snicker* Nice to "meet" you... Hehe... Interesting "theory" you got there... Hee hee *snicker*
Science Teacher Bwah-hahaha!!!
Elliot Grrr...