
This page lists all appearances of Nanase by form and comic section. The total value will not equal the sum of all forms if the character has ever appeared in more than one form within the same strip. This is to avoid double counting.

The links in the table go to categories containing transcript pages of all comics where that character was in that form in for each section. The category trees below the table provide an alternative way to browse the transcript pages.

Form Story EGS:NP Sketchbook Total
Total 701 349 165 1215
Angel 25 2 2 29
Ball 0 3 1 4
Beefy Fat 0 1 0 1
Bird 0 0 1 1
Bunny 0 0 1 1
Busty 1 0 2 3
Cat 0 0 4 4
Child 0 3 0 3
Color Clone 8 0 0 8
Cow 0 0 1 1
Devil 1 2 1 4
Ditzy 0 6 0 6
Elf 0 0 1 1
Ellen 0 0 1 1
Fairy Doll 75 8 23 106
Fat 1 4 2 7
Four-Breasted 0 0 1 1
Fox 0 0 1 1
Gandalf 1 0 0 1
Gargoyle 0 0 1 1
Giant 0 0 1 1
Grace Fairy Doll 0 1 0 1
Grace 0 2 0 2
Large Grace 11 0 0 11
Lizard 0 7 1 8
Long-Haired 4 0 1 5
Male 43 0 9 52
Male Fairy Doll 1 0 0 1
Masculine 0 1 0 1
Mermaid 1 1 0 2
Mustached 1 0 0 1
Muscular 1 2 1 4
Nancy 0 1 0 1
Normal 576 258 108 942
Puppet 1 0 0 1
Sarah 0 1 0 1
Short 0 9 0 9
Shrunk 0 13 2 15
Susan 0 8 0 8
Susan Fairy Doll 0 3 0 3
Tall 0 17 0 17
Tedd Fairy Doll 0 1 0 1
Tiny 0 0 1 1
Tiny Venus 1 0 0 1
Unusagi 1 0 0 1
Venus 3 2 2 7
Werewolf 2 0 1 3

Total: 1215

Angel: 29

Ball: 4

Beefy Fat: 1

Bird: 1

Bunny: 1

Busty: 3

Cat: 4

Child: 3

Color Clone: 8

Cow: 1

Devil: 4

Ditzy: 6

Elf: 1

Ellen: 1

Fairy Doll: 106

Fat: 7

Four-Breasted: 1

Fox: 1

Gandalf: 1

Gargoyle: 1

Giant: 1

Grace Fairy Doll: 1

Grace: 2

Large Grace: 11

Lizard: 8

Long-Haired: 5

Male: 52

Male Fairy Doll: 1

Masculine: 1

Mermaid: 2

Mustached: 1

Muscular: 4

Nancy: 1

Normal: 942

Puppet: 1

Sarah: 1

Short: 9

Shrunk: 15

Susan: 8

Susan Fairy Doll: 3

Tall: 17

Tedd Fairy Doll: 1

Tiny: 1

Tiny Venus: 1

Unusagi: 1

Venus: 7

Werewolf: 3

Ashley • Diane • Ellen • Elliot • Grace • Justin • Nanase • Sarah • Susan • Tedd
Supporting: Young | Adult
Abraham • Adrian Raven • Arthur • Carol • Catalina • Charlotte • Agent Cranium • Damien • Demetrius • Dex • Edward • Emissary of Magic • George • Gillian • Sensei Greg • Guineas • Hedge • Helena • Jay • Jerry • Mrs. Kitsune • Larry • Liz • Lucy • Luke • Magus • Melissa • Nioi • Noah • Pandora • Rhoda • Rich • Sam • Dr. Sciuridae • General Shade Tail • Sirleck • Lord Tedd • Mr. Tensaided • Tony • Principal Verrückt • Vladia • Voltaire • William • Agent Wolf • Zeus
Minor: Young | Adult
Abner • Akiko • Mr. Alephnull • Archie • Bill • Bishop • Blaike Raven • Mr. Brown • Camdin • Camelia • Cecil • Conan • Drake • Duck • Mr. Dunkel • Mrs. Dunkel • Elijah • Beta Ellen • Second Life Ellen • Eric • Felix • Francine • French Vampire • Gerald • Gullet • Mr. Guyur • Hanma • Heka • Commander Jaguar • Jim Tolkiberry • Alpha Kaoli • Second Life Kaoli • Kitty • Knight • Koala Vampire • Lavender • Assistant Director Liefeld • Matt Cohen • Mist • Noriko Verres • Not-Tengu • Panicked Schoolgirl • Mr. Pompoms • Mr. Pompoms' Mistress • Mrs. Pompoms • Potestas • Rhea • Rick • Ronin • Sandi • Saou • Scarf • Science Teacher • Spider Vampire • Sybil • Beta Tedd • Second Life Tedd • Terra • Theater Clerk • Bad Tom • Good Tom • Van • Virginia • Principal Washington
Andrea • Bloodgrem • Boar • Brownie • Demonic Duck • Dex's Fairy • Dwight • Fire summon • Fox • Goo • Interdimensional Whale • Jeremy • Kevin • Liam • Little Nase • Max • Steve • Taurcanis Draco • Dame Tara • Will of Magic • Urteronc
Alice • Amanda • Dan • Chika • Dr. Germahn • Lisa • Mark • Matt • Minion • Rat • Shop Monster • Susan's Curiosity • Susan's Logic • Susan's Nature • Susan's Nurture • Tanooki • Travis • Unusagi • Writer's Block