
Susan advocates for female superiority while trying to get "Ellen" to join her feminist club.

Cast Appearing


First Mention or Appearance Of

  • Feminism


Susan Ellen, this is Sarah. Sarah, Ellen
Elliot Nice to meet you?
Sarah Um... Likewise?
Susan So how do you like it here at Moperville North?
Elliot It's ok.
Susan I'm sure a girl like you has met some of the lowlife males here already... Heck, you were about to sit with Tedd!
Elliot Hey, Tedd's nice... He just says too much sometimes...
Susan Sure he is. Listen, would you be interested in joining this school's feminist group? I'm president of it, and Sarah here is in it too.
Elliot Oh, ah, it's a nice offer, but... Well, I won't be at this school for very long. My cousin Elliot might be interested...
Susan Elliot? Your cousin is Elliot? But he's a guy!
Elliot That doesn't mean he can't be concerned about gender equality.
Susan Equality? Who said anything about equality? Female superiority all the way, sister!