
Susan invites "Ellen" to sit with her and Sarah during lunch while Tedd excuses himself to work on Elliot's problem.

See Part 3 - Set Up The Pieces: Comic for Thursday, Jun 27, 2002 - original for a decanonised version in which Susan hits on "Ellen".

Cast Appearing


First Mention or Appearance Of


Tedd (thinking) Ack! The Hammer Queen! What does she want?!
Susan Hi, you must be new here. How would you like to sit with me and my friend for lunch?
Elliot U-uh, yeah, my name's Ellen... Um, It's a nice offer but I was going to just sit with my friend Tedd for lunch today so...
Tedd Actually, I'll be in the library for most of lunch working on that little problem of yours so you should go ahead and sit with them.
Elliot (whispering) C'mon Tedd, you know I'm shy around most people...
Tedd (whispering) You'll be fine, dude.
Tedd See ya!
Susan Well, now that he's out of the way you might as well follow me.
Elliot Y-yeah. I guess...
Susan You're not dating Tedd, are you?